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Elon Musk's Next Move

Elon Musk is probably the most polarizing billionaire on the planet. Some people love him, while others detest him. Innovators love his engineering approach and track record of solving big problems. Politicians hate that he is willing to say what others aren't out loud.

From an investment standpoint, those that bet on Tesla early on have done extremely well. However, they have had to put up with no shortage of antics unfit for a CEO of a large public company, including multiple wrist slaps from the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Through it all, he has remained the same visionary entrepreneur he's always been. He thinks big thoughts and carries them through, although it often takes much longer to realize his dreams than he originally forecasts.

MarketBeat's team of analysts have put together a special report that explores Musk's business empire, as well as what little-known opportunities there are to invest in his companies and his companies' key vendors. 
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