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9 Stocks Facing Political Risk Ahead

As an investor, it can sometimes be desirable to tune out all the noise that comes out of Washington. Both sides of the aisle can't seem to get out of their way, and neither side can lay a claim to being a friend to investors. The reality is, everyday regulations are put in place, bills are proposed and occasionally laws are passed that benefit some companies and hurt others.

This picking of winners and losers is the political risk that is assigned to a company’s stock. Sometimes, this risk can be easy to see. For example, a Republican administration tends to be very good for companies that serve as defense contractors. A Democratic administration tends to be a windfall for alternative energy companies. And investors will be watching intently for how regulation will affect a nascent industry like marijuana.

But sometimes the risk can be harder to see. And that's the purpose of this report. We've identified nine stocks that are facing political risks in the future. For some, the risk may be resolved by a trade agreement. In other cases, they are fighting public perception or a change in the party in power. Whatever the source of their risk, these companies will bear watching as 2019 moves along.

Click the "Continue to Slide #1" button to view the first company.


The #1 Crypto That You Don’t Own… Yet (Ad)

There’s all kinds of “signals” to follow when investing in cryptos. But there’s one signal you should pay attention to above all others: Venture capital firms. You want to follow venture capital money into cryptocurrencies before anyone gets word of what’s happening.

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