7 Disruptive Technology Stocks to Buy for the Next 10 Years

Warren Buffett is famously attributed as saying, “If you aren’t willing to own a stock for ten years, don’t even think about owning it for ten minutes.” He wasn’t talking about disruptive technology stocks, but the principle still applies. Disruptive technology describes innovations that significantly alter how consumers, industries, or businesses operate. Think about how email and mobile phones have replaced old ways of doing things because they have demonstrated superiority. And while electric vehicles are seen as disruptive, it wasn’t that long ago that an internal combustion engine vehicle was considered disruptive. Some of the stocks on this list are blue chip stocks that also offer the benefit of having a disruptive proposition. But most of these stocks are still in their early stages. At least one is not yet profitable. That means the true payoff may be years away. And whenever you’re investing in a space like this, there’s always a possibility that a stock may never pan out the way you thought.

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