10 Stocks Set to Surge from the Trump Tariffs

Since the Trump administration’s announcement of tariffs on aluminum and steel in March, many analysts have been debating the meaning of the Trump tariffs. Are they protectionist measures to help the U.S. steel and aluminum industries? Are they meant to protect the intellectual property of U.S. technology companies doing business with China? Are they a negotiating tactic to help the U.S. rewrite trade deals that President Trump has stated are imbalanced toward our country?

The answer seems to be all of the above. The good news for you as an investor is that when it comes to tariffs and trade the market assigns winners and losers pretty clearly. Just follow the money. What companies stand to profit from higher-priced foreign imports? What companies will be hurt when foreign markets become less receptive to their imports?

The final story of the tariffs is still being written, but you can use the uncertainty surrounding the tariffs as an opportunity to profit… if you know where to look.

In the following slides, we’ll review 10 stocks that are set to surge from the Trump tariffs. In some cases, the business is in a sector that will obviously benefit from a tariff imposed on foreign countries; in other cases, the companies are defensive stocks whose businesses are buffered from the trade war and are well positioned for growth.

Click the "Continue to Slide #1" button to view the first company.


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