P/E Ratio Calculator

The MarketBeat P/E ratio calculator automatically calculates a company's P/E ratio after you enter the company's current stock price and the total earnings per share for a period of time, usually four quarters.


P/E Ratio

Price Per Share
Earnings Per Share
P/E Ratio

Price to Earnings (P/E) Ratio is calculated by dividing the price of the share by the earnings per share (typically over the last four quarters).

Company Price Per Share Price Per Earnings P/E Ratio

Search companies to calculate price to earnings ratio and compare to others.


While gold may be thanking China for its recent growth, this sector is currently thanking Elon Musk. As crazy as it sounds, artificial intelligence just got one step closer to ushering in "the next step in human evolution"... and minting new millionaires. And it's all thanks to Musk's latest AI creation.