P/E Ratio Calculator

The MarketBeat P/E ratio calculator automatically calculates a company's P/E ratio after you enter the company's current stock price and the total earnings per share for a period of time, usually four quarters.


P/E Ratio

Price Per Share
Earnings Per Share
P/E Ratio

Price to Earnings (P/E) Ratio is calculated by dividing the price of the share by the earnings per share (typically over the last four quarters).

Company Price Per Share Price Per Earnings P/E Ratio

Search companies to calculate price to earnings ratio and compare to others.


The average household has just north of $5,000 a month in expenses… I’m talking about things like healthcare, food, transportation… Clothing, electricity… Just the bare necessities. Meanwhile, the average monthly income in the United States is only $4,340 a month… If we’re being honest that’s a huge income gap many folks can’t fill right now… But that’s exactly why I’m on a mission…