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7 Artificial Intelligence Stocks That are Great Long-Term Buys


The field of artificial intelligence is dynamic to say the least. This is evident in the many advancements that have arrived in recent years. In fact, at the beginning of 2023, the world became aware, and obsessed, with the possibilities of ChatGPT.  

But this is a sector that has its best growth still to come. We know this because companies continue to invest billions into a market that is already worth hundreds of billions. That's because analysts say that by the end of 2030, this market will be valued at $1.6 trillion. And companies want their piece of that market. 

That's also why you should be considering an investment in one of the many companies that are leading the way in this sector. The tech sector can be volatile. But when you are looking at growth stocks to buy as long-term investments, artificial intelligence is a solid place to look. And many of the stocks in this presentation are names that many investors associate with being the best-in-class among technology stocks. 

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This TSLA short trade is on a nine win hot streak (Ad)

Most Tesla Shareholders are disappointed in the stock's performance in 2024. Year to date, it's down 30%... And things don’t seem to be getting better. That said, one professional trader has found a way to turn Tesla’s demise into a flurry of opportunity… In fact, he has not lost a single trade on Tesla this year. As of this mailing he’s 9 for 9 with incredible wins under his belt. Just see for yourself.

But I can promise that you’ll see all the details for yourself here.