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7 Electric Vehicle Stocks That Are Ready to Charge Higher

The Biden administration has announced a framework for a slimmed-down $1.5 trillion infrastructure bill. Part of that framework will be a $12,500 tax credit for electric vehicle purchases. That increases the current subsidy by $4,500. And it’s music to the ears of EV companies in the United States who are making plans to scale production.

This doesn’t mean the country is close to having an EV in every driveway. There is still the issue of a charging infrastructure. The chip shortage will be a headwind on auto production of all types for at least the next several quarters. And many EV companies are not even on the starting blocks yet.

But It does mean that momentum is building. And for investors who retreated to the sideline after the EV bubble burst in early 2021, it may be time to get back in the game.

In this special presentation, we’re looking at seven stocks that stand to benefit from these subsidies in the United States.

Click the "Continue to Slide #1" button to view the first company.


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And how YOU can prepare for the next 2024 BOOM here!