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7 Stocks That Don’t Care Who Wins the Election

Many investors confuse volatility in an election year with the market performance during an election year. Historically, investors don’t care all that much who wins the election.

Historical evidence shows that the market will rise after a Republican wins and dip after a Democrat wins. But that same evidence suggests that those trends flip in the first year of a presidency. It just proves that there’s a difference between campaigning and governing.

What can be different is where investors choose to make their money. Certain sectors perform better under a Republican administration than a Democrat administration. But that’s not the focus of this presentation.

Rather, we’re taking a look at companies and stocks that should profit no matter who occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Some of these will be familiar names, but we’re trying not to be too obvious. Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) is a buy no matter who wins. You don’t need an article to tell you that.

And while I wouldn’t call this a list of “coronavirus stocks,” the list has some resemblance. The fact is every major event in our nation’s history has a ripple effect. And technologies that we never imagined would become “a thing” become the most important thing in our lives.

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