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Intercontinental Exchange Q1 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Corporate Executives

  • Michael Pyle
    Chief Executive Officer & Director
  • Richard Wowryk
    Chief Financial Officer
  • Carmele Peter
  • David White
    Executive Vice-President, Aviation




Good morning, everyone. Welcome to Exchange Income Corporation's Conference Call to discuss the financial results for the three-month period ending March 31st, 2023. The Corporation's results including the MD&A and financial statements were issued on May 9, 2023, and are currently available via the company's website or on SEDAR.

Before turning the call over to management, listeners are cautioned that today's presentation and the responses to questions may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Safe Harbor provisions of Canadian Provincial Securities Laws. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties and undue reliance should not be placed on such statements. Certain material factors or assumptions are applied in making forward-looking statements and actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. For additional information about factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from expectations and about material factors or assumptions applied in making forward-looking statements, please consult the MD&A for this quarter, the Risk Factors section of the Annual Information Form, and EIC's other filings with Canadian Securities Regulators. Except as required by Canadian securities law, EIC does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements. Such statements speak only as of the date they are made.

Listeners are also reminded that today's call is being recorded and broadcast live via the Internet for the benefit of individual shareholders, analysts and other interested parties. I would now like to turn the call over to the CEO of Exchange Income Corporation, Mike Pyle. Please go ahead, sir.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Thank you, operator. Good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining us on today's call. With me today is Richard Wowryk, our CFO; and Carmele Peter, our President. Yesterday, we released our first quarter financial results for 2023, and I am excited to have this opportunity to share with you some of our highlights from the quarter and pleased to report that even though in both of our operating segments the first quarter is always our slowest seasonally, EIC exceeded all our internal financial targets, while at the same time executing on opportunities for future growth. This is particularly noteworthy given the volatility in the macroeconomic environment, high inflation, interest-rate increases, and ongoing geopolitical tensions. Despite these challenges, we stayed focused on executing our strategy.

In terms of our financial results, because of deliberate choices and investments we've made in our past, we have generated first-quarter records in revenue, adjusted EBITDA and free cash flow. Revenue increased by 32% to $527 million. Adjusted EBITDA increased by 45% to $97 million. Free cash flow increased by 26% to $60 million. Adjusted net earnings were $12 million or $0.27 per share versus $8 million or $0.20 per share last year. On other financial metrics compared to the same period last year and given the first quarter is our slowest seasonally, we' re in line with our expectations. Free cash flow less maintenance capital expenditures was essentially unchanged at $19 million, while on a per share basis it declined nominally to $0.44 as a result of a more normal seasonality in our maintenance capital expenditures compared to the old -- compared to the COVID affected results of the first-quarter of last year. Our payout ratio on a free cash flow less maintenance capital expenditure basis improved modestly from 58% -- to 58% from 59%.

You've heard me say many times before, our success is a result of our culture. The [Indecipherable] strategy and our consistent execution. Our record results in the first quarter proved that once again. Our environmental access solutions business is a significant contributor to the results as there is no comparable amount to the previous year. However, much like our aviation operations, their performance is impacted by seasonality with the third quarter being the strongest and the first being the softest.

Passenger volumes in our essential air services business has returned to be more in line with pre-pandemic levels and replaced the $11 million of government subsidies recorded in the same period last year. Cargo and Medevac demand remained strong. Charter demand also remained strong, but a tight supply of aircraft and crew limited our ability to capitalize on all charter opportunities this quarter. Our aerospace business benefited from a full quarter of operations within our Netherlands contract. Our precision manufacturing and engineering operations continued to experience strong demand for their products, and our multistory window solutions business continues to recover from pandemic disruptions with production normalizing and strong demand.

While our aircraft sales and leasing business did not generate the same level of large asset sales as they did in the same period last year, demand for aircraft parts and leasing remained consistent with the prior period. Large sales of assets and aircraft are always variable period-to-period and have a bigger impact on our revenue than they do on our earnings. Managing in the short term is only part of our strategy. It is our focus on the long term that drives growth in future quarters. It is woven into our DNA. That's why in the first quarter of this year, we also made meaningful and disciplined investments into new acquisitions and organic growth in both our segments.

In March, we announced the acquisition of BV Glazing Systems, and we're pleased to officially close the transaction early this month after receiving approval for the Canadian Competition Bureau. BV Glazing, located in Ontario, complements our existing investments in our multistory window solutions business. Based on their historical profitability and strong order book, the transaction is immediately accretive to our per-share metrics. In addition to the accretiveness to BV Glazing to our results, it represents the most attractive prospect in our history for creating efficiencies within our existing businesses. Complementary product offerings such as curtainwall and railings in the BV Glazing business, plus installation capabilities in our existing Quest business, offer revenue expansion potential, the expectation of greater purchasing power, and rationalization of production facilities will facilitate growth and improve margins.

The strong combined order book of approximately $1 billion and positive industry outlook means hiring more people to tackle the tremendous opportunities. The impressive management team of BV Glazing led by Mike, who will stay on and run the business as a critical element of our due diligence. Following our BV Glazing announcement in March, we later announced the acquisition of Hansen Industries. We have attempted to grow our precision manufacturing business by acquisition in the lower mainline of British Columbia, specifically for a prolonged period, but have been unable to uncover companies with unique market niches and strong defensible margins until we were introduced to Hansen. Hansen meets all of our acquisition requirements and will accretively grow our operations on a stand-alone basis. The addition of a second operation of BC provides important capacity for both companies in times where demand exceeds their stand-alone capacity. Amit, the President of Hansen, is a proven leader who will continue to lead our team, filing the team under our ownership.

Yesterday, we were also extremely pleased to announce 2 significant organic growth opportunities that will provide profitable growth for years to come. First was the engagement of the force multiplier FMX aircraft in our aerospace business. This contract will fully deploy the aircraft for 18 months as opposed to the short-term solution that was designed to deliver. This means double the utilization we would normally expect on an annual basis. In addition to improved utilization, it represents the second European contract win for our aerospace business, which validates our collective capabilities as a differentiator in the marketplace and is a testament to our credibility on the world stage.

Secondly, we are thrilled to be in a position to announce we have invested in the purchase of what will be the only civilian-owned full-motion electronic King Air training simulator in Canada. Currently, our pilots must travel to third-party locations to the United States for a simulator trailer. Having our own simulator will not only generate an accretive financial return, but it will also increase operating flexibility because we're a lot after a lion of third-party providers for limited training spots. It will increase our pilot trading capacity in the industry face of the pilot shortage. It will provide new revenue opportunities for training pilots from other airlines within Canada as we will not fully utilize the simulator's capacity. It will eliminate fuel burn while gaining all of the experience to make our fleet one of the safest in the world skies. And finally, we'll reduce our carbon footprint by significantly reducing fuel burn and corresponding greenhouse gas emissions for both the training itself and the travel training in the United States.

Fundamental to our strategy is making our balance sheet to ensure we have capital on hand to take advantage of investment opportunities when they arise. While the markets have remained turbulent in 2023, we were successful in upsizing and extending our credit facility and fixing our interest rate exposure, which positions us well to execute on investment opportunities on a go-forward basis. Richard will detail this in his remarks.

We're excited about our future and intend to keep on doing what we are doing because it works. The diversification of our manufacturing segment over the past 18 months, the new investments in acquisitions and organic growth from new contract wins, and the discipline in which we have managed our balance sheet, we are in a position to revise our guidance from the previous range of $510 million to $540 million to our new guidance of $540 million to $570 million. And while we are not yet prepared to provide formal guidance for 2024, we believe it is likely that we will hit the $600 million threshold in adjusted EBITDA based on current performance levels and future growth. The consistent execution of our strategy continues to deliver for all our shareholders, as evidenced in our results. We're excited to integrate our new investments into our operations and report their performance in future quarters. I will now hand the call off to Richard who will detail our first-quarter results.

Richard Wowryk
Chief Financial Officer at Intercontinental Exchange

Thank you, Mike, and good morning, everyone. During the first quarter, our subsidiaries delivered results that were higher than our internal expectations, resulting in several first-quarter records in 2023. Adjusted EBITDA was $97 million, an increase of 45% over the prior period. Both the Aerospace & Aviation segment and the Manufacturing segment drove its increase as adjusted EBITDA increased by 17% and 195%, respectively in each segment. Essential Air Services increased adjusted EBITDA by 30% despite not receiving any government subsidies in 2023 as compared to $11 million in the prior period. All revenue streams within Essential Air Services grew over the prior period.

The most material increase was passenger revenue as passenger levels returned to pre-COVID levels. Within aerospace, adjusted EBITDA increased primarily due to the contribution from the deployment of the corporation's ISR assets for the Netherlands coastguard contract. This is the first quarter of full deployment of these assets on this contract. Within aircraft sales and leasing, adjusted EBITDA declined from the prior period. The prior period experienced a much higher level of large asset sales than we have experienced historically as airlines around the world had to start making purchases that they had put off during the pandemic to prepare their fleets for summer 2022 travel.

The current period was strong relative to what would be considered normal, but it was lower than the prior period. Part sales remained strong, and these revenues increased slightly over the prior period. In the Manufacturing segment, the increase was primarily driven by the acquisition of Burdened in the second quarter of 2022 as there is no comparative in Q1 2022, but all business lines within the segment experienced increases over the prior period. Within multistory window solutions, adjusted EBITDA increased over the prior period as projects that were bid in previous periods included adjustments for higher input costs and are starting to be manufactured for customers. We expect continued improvement over the remainder of 2023.

With precision manufacturing and engineering, adjusted EBITDA increased by 32%, investments made in prior periods to expand capacity, and the benefits of the integration of tuck-in acquisitions completed in 2021 were the main contributors to the increase. Net earnings and adjusted net earnings increased by 83% and 47%, respectively, and increased by 60% and 35%, respectively, on a per-share basis. Our per-share results were impacted by a 10% increase in the shares outstanding, driven by our common share offering in the third quarter of 2022 and shares issued as part of the purchase consideration on our 2022 acquisitions. The increase in adjusted EBITDA, which drove the increase in net earnings and adjusted net earnings was partially offset primarily by 2 items: increased interest costs and depreciation on capital assets.

Interest costs increased over the prior period in lockstep with increased benchmark borrowing rates over the last 12 months. In addition, the increase in mass outstanding due to investments made over the last 12 months increased interest costs. Depreciation capital assets increased for 2 reasons. First, the acquisition rolled in the second quarter of 2022 contributed to the increase in 2023. Second, investments made to increase the size of our fleet and increase flying even fleet also resulted in higher depreciation. Other costs associated with our acquisition activity, notably intangible asset amortization also increased over the prior period. Amortization of intangible assets is a non-cash expense, and these assets are not replaced on an ongoing basis when they are set up as part of the purchase price allocation for accounting purposes and, as such, are excluded from our adjusted debt earnings.

Free cash flow less maintenance capital expenditures was flat to last year as a more normal seasonal cadence to our capital expenditures offset and increased free cash flow. Generally, our essential air services complete the bulk of their maintenance, where possible, in the first part of the year when they are less busy. In the prior year, the onset of the Omicron variant pushed some of these expenditures to later in the year, meaning that Q1 of 2022 was abnormally low compared to what we would have expected, absent the impact of the Omicron variant. Growth capital expenditures were focused in our essential services and our aircraft and engine lease portfolio and essential services. Investments were made in additional aircraft, the construction of a new hanger to support growth in our essential air services, and deposits made on a King Air simulator.

Within the leasing portfolio, investments were made in assets as we increased our fleet to position our operations to respond to customer demand as the narrow-body regional jet marketplace continues its recovery from the impact of the worldwide pilot shortage. During the first quarter, as we messaged in the fourth quarter of 2022, we had a material outflow from working capital, which was driven by a receivable that was collected in the fourth quarter of 2022, but the corresponding payable was not due until January of 2023. Our senior leverage ratio at the end of the quarter remains consistent with our historical targets at 2.59 times. As our adjusted EBITDA over the remainder of the year lines with the guidance we have provided to the market, we expect this will continue to decline towards the end of the year.

Our leverage ratio when including our convert [Phonetic] debentures, continues to decline as debentures have not increased at the same rate as our adjusted EBITDA over the last 18 months. Historically, our convert debentures have represented [Indecipherable] of adjusted EBITDA within our capital structure, whereas now the debentures represent approximately 3/4 of a turn of adjusted EBITDA off of the new 2023 guidance using the midpoint. In addition, there are two series of convert debentures that are now in the money, and we have started to see a limited amount of these convert into equity.

Subsequent to the end of the quarter, we extended our credit facility to May 9, 2027, and increased its size from approximately $1.75 billion to approximately $2 billion. Consistent with our past practice of always ensuring we have capital available [Indecipherable] is required for investment, we took advantage of our optional annual renewal with our syndicate of lenders to increase the size of the facility. This will provide the liquidity required as we are seeing some very exciting growth opportunities, both through acquisition and organic growth. The terms of the facility are consistent with our previous facility, and we added one new American lender to the syndicate.

Despite an elevated rate environment putting pressure on the bank's funding costs, we were able to complete the extension and upsize with no change in pricing. During the first quarter, the corporation fixed $350 million of credit facility debt at a rate below floating rates for a period of approximately three years. The inversion in the yield curve in mid-January provided an opportunity to fix debt that was invested through acquisition and growth investments in the prior year.

Subsequent to the end of the quarter, in early April, we fixed USD140 million of credit facility debt at a rate below floating rates for a period of three years. As with our Canadian dollar swap, there is a significant inversion in the yield curve at the time that made fixing the rates attractive. Both of these transactions provide us with certainty on our cost of capital, and with previous swap transactions and our converted debentures, both also having fixed rates, approximately 2/3 of our debt now has a fixed rate. That concludes my review of our financial results. I will now turn the call over to Carmele.

Carmele Peter
President at Intercontinental Exchange

Thank you, Rich. Our strong financial performance in Q1 coupled with the acquisition activities in the first part of 2023 and new organic contract awards has set the stage for another year of solid growth for EIC and further solidified the foundation for 2024. Before we talk about the impact that those items will have on our outlook for the year, let me first discuss our operations for Q2, which I will do in relation to how we are now discussing our operations being through the six business lines in which our operations are included.

Starting with the Aerospace & Aviation segment. Our Essential Air Service business will see increased profitability over Q2 2022, driven primarily by increased passenger traffic in all regions. Cargo will remain relatively flat compared to last year. Charters will continue to be hampered by tight aircraft availability, but demand remains strong, in particular with increased mining exploration activity. We have three aircraft coming online in Q3 which will allow us to capture some of these additional opportunities. Medevac will see also year-over-year growth, albeit more modest from Trauma flight, which was not fully operational until later in 2022, and an expansion in the scope of work for the Government of Nunavut with increased crewing out of Ottawa and Winnipeg.

All of our air operators are experiencing increased costs from raising labor costs driven by industry-wide shortages for pilots, aircraft mechanics, and medical personnel. We have completed or are in the process of negotiating many of our collective bargaining agreements that will provide security for our employees and stability for our operations. The increase in labor costs will impact margins until such time as we are able to pass through these costs on to our customers.

The Aerospace line business will see also an increase year-over-year with the benefit of its Netherlands operations, which did not go into service until Q4 of 2022. Full deployment of the first multiplier for the back half of Q2 pursuant to its 18-month ISR contract with an allied European government, higher tempo flying in the UAE and Curacao, and some additional training contracts for the U.S. Department of Defense.

The aircraft sales and leasing business will see marginal growth year-over-year as Q2 2022 had the highest-ever aircraft and engine sales, which will be materially lower in Q2 2023. Part sales, although still strong, are being impeded by the lack of available MRO slots for teardowns. This will be offset by an increase in leasing revenue over last year. We are encouraged by the trend of our leasing revenues, but the pace is slower than expected as pilot charges continue to persist and constrain the speed of the regional narrow-body aircraft recovery.

The Environmental Access Solutions business will benefit from a full quarter of earnings from Northern Mat compared to two months in Q2 2022. However, Northern Mat's performance in Q2 2022 needs to be put in perspective as it benefited from ideal winter-spring transition conditions, peak of the market pricing, and lack of mass supply from competitors. Q2 2023 market conditions are good, but not as ideal. Going into Q2, large portions of Northern Mat's operating regions went from frozen to rain conditions, straight to road bands as temperatures rose, limiting Northern Mat's rental and operational buildup in Q2. Also declining mining lumber prices and an increase in competitor mat supply will also limit environmental Access Solutions year-over-year growth. However, to be clear, Northern Mat's performance in Q2 is still expected to materially exceed the performance metrics on which it was acquired.

The ongoing wildfires in Northern Alberta have not yet, but depending on their pace of destruction, could impact our customers or access to customers in that region, and therefore impede in the short term our operations in Northern Alberta. If this does occur, there could be an upside in later quarters as those customers look to replace Mats and rebuild any damaged infrastructures. The multistory window solutions business will benefit from the acquisition of BV Glazing on May 1 as well as increasing margins later in Q2 from higher pricing Quest took to market over a year ago to address the substantially higher input costs. Overall demand for product remains strong, but in the U.S. market from the time from coal to project contract has elongated. The Canadian market, however, is particularly experiencing high levels of activity.

The precision manufacturing and engineering business will experience organic growth year-over-year as well as benefit from the acquisition of Hansen, which was completed at the beginning of April. The organic growth is from increased demand in our wireline and wireless construction and services business as well as in precision manufacturing, in particular, for the defense sector. With respect to maintenance capital expenditures in Q2, we anticipate materially higher levels than in Q2 of 2022 for several reasons. First, the first part of Q2 2022 was impacted by the Omicron variant, which slowed activity in port maintenance capital expenditures into subsequent quarters. Secondly, our air operators are expecting increased flying hours relative to Q2 2022, leading to increased maintenance capex. Thirdly, labor shortages and supply chain issues have driven maintenance capital expenses higher. And lastly, we have increased maintenance capex due to recent acquisitions of Hansen, BV, as well as a full quarter for Northern Mat.

Growth investments for the Aerospace & Aviation segment in Q2 were focused on the upgrade of the surveillance aircraft for the renewed Curacao contract, additional aircraft capacity to capture increased charter demand, and the start of the construction of the Gary Filmon indigenous terminal, which will align our terminal capacity to the growth of the communities we serve. Also in Q2 investments will be made to modify one of our Beach 1900 aircraft to provide for scheduled Metavac flights for Nova Scotia Health. We currently have a 7-year contract with Nova Scotia Health, which is serviced by One King Air. The addition of the 1,900 aircraft is an increase in the scope of the service under that contract and will commence in Q3.

With the current size of our King Air fleet and the anticipated continued growth in this platform, EIC will be one of the largest Kinge Air operators in the world. The scope of operations led to EIC's economic and strategic decision to enter into a contract to purchase a full motion simulator to support all of our Kaner operators and eliminate the cost of sending our pilots to the U.S. for training. The simulator is expected to take several quarters to complete and install. The simulator not only provides more training time for pilots but also significantly reduces fuel burn and corresponding GHG emissions for both training and travel to training, thus reducing our carbon footprint.

Growth investments for the Manufacturing segment will be minimal with the investment concentrated on the expansion of our environmental access solutions, Mat rental fleet, and rolling stock and the procurement of some new equipment in the Precision Manufacturing and Engineering Solutions business to meet increased customer demand.

As I look to the balance of 2023, there are obviously economic challenges to manage through, including persistent higher interest rates, inflation rates, labor shortages, and increased costs. But the investments we have made in the past have paved the way for continued success for the balance of 2023. With the tailwinds of strong performance in Q1, two acquisitions in Q2, and organic growth opportunities, we are increasing our 2023 adjusted EBITDA guidance from $510 million to $540 million to between $540 million to $570 million. Thank you for your time this morning. We would now like to open the call for questions. Operator?

Questions and Answers


Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, we will now begin the question-and-answer session. [Operator Instructions] Your first question comes from Steve Hansen at Raymond James. Please go ahead.

Steve Hansen
Raymond James at Intercontinental Exchange

Hey, good morning. Mike, the new force multiple air contract appears to be another important win in Europe for that segment. It also is one of the longest duration contracts I think you've discussed thus far. Can you just maybe give us a sense for what that means for the program longer term and whether this opens up additional opportunities in that region?

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Yeah, we are really excited about the ability to put FMX out on a prolonged basis. Many of you will recall, we built FMX as an opportunity to respond to hotspots in the world where there was a need for an immediate surveillance aircraft, but nobody has the staff available and ready to go. It's something that always needs to be built. And so we built this -- and tearing COVID, quite frankly, it's been less busy than it had been before, simply because governments are focused in other areas. With ongoing immigration issues, governments around the world, but in Europe, in particular, are very interested in patrolling their waters and one of the governments approached us and said, we need an immediate solution. And by immediate, we're going to stand up that operation in a matter of a few weeks. And I'm not just me getting the plane there. We're going to basis staff, everything to fly that aircraft more hours than we've ever flown it on a monthly basis. In fact, the government would like us to fly beyond the capacity we think it could fly. So we're going to be pushing the limits of our team to keep it maintained and in the air. But what's unique about that is that we only just signed our first -- or delivered our first contract in the Netherlands. This is a second opportunity. And we see opportunities like this continuing to pop up. It's highly likely that the government that we're doing this for, will follow up this 18-month contract with a long-term RFP. And while we have to win such an RFP, I think we're in a good position. We at least have a head start because we're working for them already. And so I think it just speaks well to [Indecipherable] reputation in the world and credibility in solving ISR and maritime surveillance issues. Yeah, and Steve, what I would add is it really showcases the capability of first multiplier. I think can we think of it as an object, it's an aircraft, but it's really a full service. And for our folks to stand up in just a matter of weeks, the aircraft to get it ready for the type of deployment that's going on to do the necessary modifications and to quickly adapt our technology on the aircraft to suit the government, the customer that we're servicing is quite remarkable. And we're also excited about the CarteNav system, which you've heard us talk about before because it is on other surveillance technology that this government has. So we'll be very integrated with them. And I think it just showcases our international capabilities and I think that will lead to a lot of additional opportunities in the future. One last thing before we leave this topic. We're not being cute or vague about who it's for. The government we signed the contract with allowed us to announce it because it's our AGM later today, but they will be making their own announcement very shortly, and it will become public who this is for, but we are at the request of our customer letting them announce that.

Steve Hansen
Raymond James at Intercontinental Exchange

Okay, that's great, that's good color. Thank you. Just maybe one follow-up, and I'll jump back in the queue is around the Window Solutions business. I'm still getting used to all these new names. Just wanted to make sure I'm understanding it properly. The backlog there has been deep for some time. I think we all know that but there has been challenges. You referenced the ability to ramp up here through the balance of the year. I'm just trying to get a sense of the cadence at which you see that production schedule improving and how we should think about the economics for that business that goes forward. I think you've also described it in the past as one of your most underutilized businesses with the most upside. So just some sort of sense for how we expect the balance of the year play would be helpful thanks.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Well, I think you see two things. We've already seen the revenue start to increase as our production is normalizing. And so you'll see that continue to go through the year and quite frankly, into next year. We've got more and more projects, the farther we go, the deeper the order book is. But in addition to that, it really, the returns go not only with the volume but the gross margins are better because they were priced at higher input prices. So we have better gross margins. And then quite frankly, the factory is more efficient because it's running more than it has been in the past. And one of the best indicators of that is we're in the midst of setting up a second shift in Dallas for the first time since we built that factory. And for those of you who had the opportunity to see it, it really is a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility. And so the more product we could run through there, the better.

It really was a part of your question, but I'm going to add something else because it's related to this as it relates to BV. They have a strong order book and you'll see that instantaneously as they come into Q2 with the May 1 closing. But you're going to see significant synergy opportunities as those companies are put together. Revenue cross-selling or railings and curtain wall and installation where they can help each other out. And then consolidating our manufacturing, we have five or six facilities in Southern Ontario. We'll shrink that down materially and have more Dallas like production. Now, that stuff obviously not going to happen overnight. We'll see that over ensuing quarters. But I think we use cadence. We're going to be talking about this quarterly for the next three, four, five quarters as we start to see the benefits of the higher contracts, the increased demand, and then following that, the synergies of the two operations.

Steve Hansen
Raymond James at Intercontinental Exchange



Your next question comes from Matthew Lee at Canaccord. Please go ahead.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Good morning, Matt.

Matthew Lee
Analyst at Canaccord Genuity Group

Hey, good morning. Thanks for taking my question and congrats on the results. I just maybe want to start [Technical Issues] manufacturing side, based on my calculus, you did high-single-digit organic revenue in the business. Can you maybe break-down what's driving that and if we should expect that rate of growth to kind of continue throughout the year, even though Northern Mat has seen some rate ease?

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Yeah, I mean we need to talk a little about Northern Mat separately from the precision manufacturing stuff we do. Your calc on the high single digits is pretty close to bang on. It's driven by -- really by two things: strong demand and passing on some of the cost of increased products like the raw materials in there. But virtually, every one of our businesses has a record or near record order book. So in that part of our business, it's easier to forecast and quite frankly, pretty positive because of the demand across the board. We don't have a lot of direct-to-retail kinds of products we're producing. So the discussions and rumors of recession, we really don't see having a big impact there. So I think continued growth of the type you're talking about is a reasonable estimate.

As it relates to Northern Mat, they performed at a rate very close to last year, when we didn't know the business. But last year was clearly the best in Northern Mat's business. Carmele mentioned during the call that we don't anticipate and we've said all along that last year was kind of a perfect storm of good things. Having said that, this year remains strong. Demand is good. We have a lot of mats on rent price may come down somewhat as our competitors have more supply, but demand remains strong. The results coming out of Northern Mat are going to remain far higher than what we have. [Technical Issues] We're looking forward to that. And so where we are, I don't think we're particularly vulnerable to somewhat deciding they want to start flying in those areas.

Same thing with maritime surveillance. It's a great marketplace. But the amount of time that's gone into designing the aircraft we have and the expertise we have, it would be very difficult absent an acquisition to quickly become a player in those spaces. Chorus is a well-run company, and they generate free cash flow. So if they want to move into something, I'm sure they'll be able to do it. I mean, they bought Voyageur a number of years ago in North Bay, and that was a company we were interested in, and it's a great company. So I think there's room for more than one player in niche aviation. I don't want to sound overconfident, but I think if they decide that's what they want to do, there's lots of room for both of us in this.

Carmele Peter
President at Intercontinental Exchange

Yes, and the other comment, I mean we get competitors from time to time always in our markets. And we've got typically long-term contracts, great relations with our customers, a high level of service, and significant experience and great management team. So that's a phenomenal combination that makes us very difficult to compete with. And we have competed with Chorus on certain contracts in the past and been successful. And if there's more, we're happy to have them come on and compete with them. We certainly have a lot of faith in what we've put together.


Your next question comes from Cameron Doerksen at National Bank Financial. Please go ahead.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Good morning, Cam.

Cameron Doerksen
Analyst at National Bank Financial

[Technical Issue] either pilot specifically. So I know you're in the process of, I guess, renegotiating labor deals with the various unions at your various operating entities. It sounds like you've had some success so far on that. I just wonder if you can just update us on the progress there, like what's left to do? And can you maybe talk about the impact on margins? I mean, Carmel mentioned this a little bit, but I mean, I guess sort of the time frame it might take to kind of offset some of the margin pressure from higher labor costs as you kind of renegotiate contracts with customers to reflect those new costs.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Sure. We -- I mean, I don't want to get into company-by-company assessments of it. But a number of our pilots are represented by ALPA. ALPA is a strong advocate for their pilots, and they could be challenging to deal with. But we've had success. We've completed at least two of our negotiations, and we're well down the road on a couple more. So like I say, it's a tough time in aviation, and that there's less available people. And so those negotiations perhaps take longer and are a little more difficult than they would have been five years ago. But having said that, we have good relationships and we're making our way through it. We should be through most of it by the end of this year I would think, and some of it will be done in this quarter I would think.

In terms of passing it along, we have a pretty strong market presence. And so on the passenger businesses in most places, we're able to pass that on reasonably quickly. Where we have contracted pricing, it can take a little bit longer. But I don't think you're going to see a material impact beyond a quarter or so with most of our airlines. I think where you would see the biggest impact would be in -- the longest term impact would be in a place like Kuwait as an example where we have long-term contracts with the government where we are tied to inflation, not specifically to employee costs. So those may take us a couple of quarters to get things lined up. But it's more of a time taker and a distraction from our management teams with these prolonged negotiations that are required less than the pure cost. We aren't in a lot of places where we don't have enough market presence to pass the ultimate cost of the service to our customers.

Cameron Doerksen
Analyst at National Bank Financial

Okay, that's great to hear. And I guess maybe a related question. I mean, I know you guys have done a good job of creating a pilot sourcing solution internally. But it does sound like there's some short-term challenges with finding pilots. I mean you mentioned there was maybe some contracts on the charter side that maybe you could have captured earlier if you had available aircraft and pilots. I'm just wondering if a shortage of pilots just industry-wide is having a limiting impact on your ability to grow. Or is it more the aircraft the ability that's the problem?

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Yeah, I think sometimes -- and Cam, if this gets oversimplified to be just about pilots, it's about pilots and about AMEs. So some days, it's got out enough iron ready to fly and other days, you need the pilots to fly in. And so it definitely limits how fast you could move on expansions. But having said that, we've been able to do it. We bought extra aircraft. You saw in our results. I mean Rich mentioned in his talk that we have a significant internal beat in our Essential Air services, and that beat was relative to our own expectations. So even with the pilot shortages, we've been able to cover most of that off. There are certain times in certain markets for certain things that a given type of pilot can be hard to find. And that's where you would see the results the most distinctly. You don't see that in EIC as a whole results because they're very niche problems and they are a problem for my management teams. But in terms of our overall performance, the impact is limited.

Carmele Peter
President at Intercontinental Exchange

And pilots can vary by aircraft or platform type. You tend to see more turnover in pilots with your smaller aircraft and less so in the larger ones that we fly, whether that's an ATR or DASH or a Q400. So our focus has been on ensuring that we have a continued flow of those pilots so that we can ensure that the aircraft that we do have are manned and that we've got room for expansion.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

I think one last thing on this before we drop the topic is we chose -- we believe this is a long term issue. We don't think this is just a COVID issue. If you go back to our conference calls from 2019, we were talking about a pilot shortage then, and that's why we bought Moncton Flight College. Having gone through the pandemic, we realized that that's not enough. That's why we bought the simulator to internalize the training for our smaller aircraft. But it's also the [Indecipherable] pilot pathway. Last year, we started it with a dozen First Nations people. And most of them got through with private pilots licensing. They're back getting their commercial pilots. We doubled the size of the program this year in terms of number of students. And I can tell you we intend next year to expand it beyond Southern Canada into Nunavut. And we think a big part of this is enabling our First Nations and indigenous customers to dream to be pilots.

If you live in some of these northern communities where the economic opportunities are very limited, kids don't wake up and say, "I want to be a pilot." Well, we want to wake up and say, I want to be a pilot. And we think it's our responsibility to help provide a pathway for them to get there. And we believe that the reward for us for doing this beyond doing the right thing because it's the right thing, is that the pilots we will build will want to service their own communities. And so they're likely to stay longer and not move on to the major airlines flying the 787 to Singapore. And so it's a long-term focus. We know it's going to take investment. We're prepared to spend on it. And we think it's one of those great crossovers where economic reconciliation and ESG ties into selfish profitable motives.

Carmele Peter
President at Intercontinental Exchange

We've also taken advantage of immigration. We've had several pilots come over from Ukraine, where we've got them licensed in Canada and now becoming pilots for us. So that's been another great stream for us to tap into.

Cameron Doerksen
Analyst at National Bank Financial

Okay, that's great. I appreciate the color on that. So, congratulations on the results. Thanks.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Thank you.


Your next question comes from Konark Gupta at Scotiabank. Please go ahead.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Morning, Konark.

Konark Gupta
Analyst at Scotiabank

Good morning, Mike. Thank you, operator. Morning, everyone. So maybe just wanted to kind of get back to the BC medevac contract, Mike. I think you mentioned you are expecting the award pretty soon this quarter. Can you refresh our memory on how many contracts are going to be awarded? And what would be the expected capex spending for each if they come through?

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

So there were two main contracts that are being left. One was for the rotary-wing Medevac and the other was for the fixed-wing Medevac. We do not have a presence in BC in the rotary-wing Medevac business. We did bid on it. We were not sort chosen bidder. BC announced that one a few days ago. We believe the fixed-wing announcement is imminent. And imminent could literally mean this afternoon or it could mean a couple of weeks. We don't know. That's in the hands of the B.C. government. We currently cover a significant portion of BC, over half of it. But the new contract is not only just a single omnibus contract for the whole province. It requires a whole new fleet of aircraft.

So they've decided that notwithstanding the aircraft we operate there are actually for Medevac standards a very young fleet, they want it because they're putting it into a single contract, bidders to provide all brand-new aircraft. So for us, it's an investment of depending on how the contract is awarded approximately $200 million, that's over probably about 18 months because it's not like if we need a dozen or so, Dave, can you... What's the right number of aircraft?

David White
Executive Vice-President, Aviation at Intercontinental Exchange


Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

12 aircraft is where we think it's going to be. You can't go to the airplane store and pick up 12 aircraft. We've bought spots in the production line, should we be successful, but those come on every couple of months or two in one month, and then we have to convert them into Medevac aircraft from brand-new aircraft, and then they go into service. So should we be successful and even if it was announced 10 minutes from now and we were the winner, it's not something that's going to impact this year's financial results from an income statement point of view. We would start investing this year in new aircraft, and it would probably only really have a meaningful impact at the very back end of next year as these go into service. But remember, this is a minimum of a 10-year contract from when they go into service. So summarizing all that, a couple of hundred million bucks, it would give us the whole province. It would be fair -- they would go into service over the next 18 months or so roughly, and you would see the full impact of it beginning in 2024 -- 2025 sorry, yes.

Konark Gupta
Analyst at Scotiabank

'25, right, that makes sense. That's great color, Mike. Thanks so much. And then on the Alberta forest fires, I know you guys mentioned the Northern Mat opportunity potentially, right? But just looking at a shorter term in the second quarter, can you help us identify what your exposure to the Alberta operations are? I mean, again, in the sense that the forest fires can impact any of your working subsidiaries there, not Northern Mat? And any tailwinds for your firefighting business?

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Good question. In terms of the fires impacting our existing operations, they can. Right now, the existing fires are not near any of our bases or any of our people. So right now, it doesn't have an impact, but a wind could change in three days from now, that could be different. Those impacts tend to be short term, not [Indecipherable] the responsibility of our customers. And the ones that entering our yards are insured. So it's not dramatic. It could slow our ability to lay mats or do a project for a given short period of time. But again, that would really be more of a timing issue that would bounce back as soon as we could get in there and go do it. So not dramatic, clearly stressful for the people there, and our thoughts and prayers are with everybody in Alberta. But in terms of our mat business right now, so far, so good. In terms of firefighting, this is one of those good news, bad news stories. I called my CEO, [Indecipherable] custom aviation and I said, "So how many planes or how many helicopters you got going in Alberta?" He said, "None." And I said, "Why is that?" He said, "Because they're all already contracted." So in a normal year, yes, this would have impacted us, but we're so busy as it is. It really hasn't done anything for us directly because our planes are already working.

Konark Gupta
Analyst at Scotiabank

That's a good problem to have. I guess. Okay, perfect. Thanks.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange


Konark Gupta
Analyst at Scotiabank

And last one from me, on the balance sheet. So if I look at your credit facility debt today, your senior leverage ratio would be below 2.5 times on the updated EBITDA guidance. To what leverage levels, do you think you would be comfortable going before looking at other alternatives?

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

I think the organic growth rate and on the acquisition front where we're taking in a piece of equity on the deals we do. Like if you saw with BV as an example, 20% or 25% of the deal is funded in equity. But we really don't have a limitation, especially with Rich's work on extending and increasing the facility. Our appetite for leverage hasn't changed. And if you roll out my kind of [Indecipherable] for next year, at 600, you put that into our current debt level, you get much closer to 2% than 2.5%. And our converts at that level fall to, I don't know, 0.6% or so of return. You get us at the lower end of our range. So we have dry powder. I would say that nothing has changed with our business strategy. We always said we wanted to retain a strong balance sheet with liquidity and reasonable debt levels. So if we get the right opportunities, I would move to raise money if as and when that happens. But we have no pressing need to raise equity. We've got -- we're in a great spot. We've got the better part of $1 billion worth of liquidity if you include our accordion on our debt facility and our aggregate debt is moving down to the lower end of our historic range. So I think we're in a good spot as it relates to that, Konark, but we remain committed to maintaining a strong balance sheet. And because everything we look at is on an accretive nature on a per share basis, if at some point you need some equity, it's not going to hurt the existing shareholders because whatever we're spending the equity on is accretive to the existing shareholders.

Konark Gupta
Analyst at Scotiabank

Perfect. That makes sense, Mike. Thanks so much. Just to clearly understand what's your incremental cost of borrowing on this credit facility under this fixed-rate swaps.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

My CFO did a weaker [Phonetic] good job of negotiating and it's the same as it was for the existing part. There was no increase in the cost of borrowing. I mean, obviously, the cost of SEDAR and those things bounces up and down, but our markup to the banks is unchanged from what it was in last year's facility.

Richard Wowryk
Chief Financial Officer at Intercontinental Exchange

Yeah, And just because I think on the tail end, you asked about the swaps. I think in Mike's message, he talked about 100 to 150 basis points of conversion. So that's kind of pick the midpoint over the two swaps. It's probably a good starting point compared to where you see SEDAR or SOFR setting plus our margin.

Konark Gupta
Analyst at Scotiabank

Makes sense. Perfect, thanks so much guys. I'll turn the call over. Thank you.


Thanks, Konark. Your next question comes from Chris Murray at ATB Capital Markets. Please go ahead.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Good morning, Chris.

Chris Murray
Analyst at ATB Capital Markets

Yes, thanks, folks, good morning. So I want to turn back to the B Glazing acquisition. And it's interesting your commentary that it's probably one of the more unique opportunities you guys have had around doing an acquisition but actually having synergies to work with. So I just wanted to kind of work through this a little bit. You've talked a little bit about maybe some end-market support and things like that. But a couple of things to think about. So we think margins in that business were historically kind of plus or minus 20% and just looking at the acquisition price and what you guys have historically bought or done transactions at, and we think that is going to be kind of in that range. But I'm kind of thinking about this from a couple of things. Like, first of all, utilizing manufacturing footprint. So I guess, straight up, can you build the BD product in your other facilities? So can you use Texas, for example, to build that? And then second, is there anything else on the cost side that we could see that margin profile materially change? Or is it mainly going to be on the sales side? So wonder if any additional color that can we kind of walk through how to think about how you guys are thinking about synergies would be helpful.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Yeah, so as you put it, we've got the market synergies, which is really three different product offerings, Quest, our existing company didn't have the capability to make railings or stick with no-wall for the joint use buildings where you've got retail on the bottom or commercial on the bottom. Now we can acquire both of those products from BV Glazing. BV didn't have an installing capability in the U.S, they had to use third parties. So now they'll immediately use Quest. So those will happen more rapidly because they're more easily done and internalized. Then as it relates to the manufacturing, we have I believe it's either five or six facilities in Southern Ontario, all in leased buildings, we will amalgamate that production. Whether it goes to one building, two buildings or three buildings. We're still running models. We just closed May 1. So the management teams are just starting to talk about the best ways to do this.

And so what that's going to enable us to do is you've got the opportunity to go through our Toronto plant for Quest and see how that's built until it's absolutely filled the four walls versus how we built Dallas, which is obviously much more efficient and effective because it was custom designed. You're going to see a new facility or facilities for Quest and for BV in the Southern Ontario marketplace. And then we will also determine how we're going to specialize manufacturing between Dallas and Ontario. I think it's highly likely that we'll do certain kinds of work in certain facilities. So one may do the more complicated doors and open windows and that kind of stuff, and the other may do the more vanilla but larger run window wall segments. We're still working on that. But I think this is something I want to make sure crystal clear on is that this is not about building the same number of windows with less people. This is about being able to take that equipment, put it in a bigger space and do more stuff with the same people. This business is growing. The opportunities are huge. I don't know if anybody saw in the article of the globe a few days ago, where they opened up sales on a condo project with two towers, and it's sold out in a matter of days. With today's interest rates, that's a tremendous statement about the demand for high-rise living quarters, particularly in big cities where the cost of single-family housing is prohibitive. So we believe what we need to do from a synergies point of view is take the skilled people we have and get way more out of them by changing our manufacturing footprint. That's obviously going to take us a few quarters to do, and we may invest in some bigger, faster, more effective equipment, but that's going to let us build more windows with the same people.

Carmele Peter
President at Intercontinental Exchange

And as we look at the operations as a whole, and Mike touched on this, it will allow us, we believe, over time, to specialize so that one line will just do glass and you'll get increased throughput on that. You'll get that specialization. All of that drives efficiencies. And then just you have two great operators looking at best practices in and of themselves, that will drive, in my view, some additional synergies, all of which take time, but that's just part of the excitement that we see in bringing both BV and Quest again.

Chris Murray
Analyst at ATB Capital Markets

Okay, that's helpful. Thank you. And any thoughts around kind of overall margin and overhead absorption or anything direct that we could think about?

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Yes. I mean the 20% you mentioned would be at the high end of the range for that business. And it does touch that in places, but it depends on whether you include installation in that, which is typically a lower larger part of the business. But I think we're going to need a quarter or two of having to be able to give you meaningful guidance on how fast it changes. The one thing I can tell you is that we fully expect BV to contribute starting May 2, the day after we closed. So you'll see an immediate impact from an acquisition point of view, and then the synergies will bleed in over time. And either in our Q2 or Q3 meeting, I'll give you some more precise guidance as to how we see that margin growing over ensuing periods.

Chris Murray
Analyst at ATB Capital Markets

Okay, that's great, thanks. And then the other question, and this one a bit of a change in the presentation. And in some ways, removing some of the transparency on some of the segments. I guess a couple of pieces of this. Is there any way that we can get kind of a revenue in some of those subsectors and an EBITDA breakdown? And just in thinking about making the changes, last time we kind of were facing some criticism around the transparency in your reporting. Any thoughts around the writing off of the changes and how to maybe address some of the criticisms that might return?

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Yeah, I'll tell you the changes we've made to discussing this in terms of our 6 key areas of operation came from outreach we've done with our shareholders. You told us we make our things too complicated and too hard to understand, and they really didn't need to understand who [Indecipherable], if they're both flying passengers into Northern First Nation communities. So we tried to align those things. This is just the first reporting period under this. And if there's some disclosure as it relates to revenue in a given part of that, I think that's something we're prepared to provide. I'd us come back to us and we can go off-line in terms of in future periods or what you're looking for is like you want to know in a central air revenue and EBITDA number, those things that are things we could consider. But the idea was, is we want to stop talking about all the brand names and all the great companies we have because it confuses most people. So we tried to make this a little more linear. And if there's things we can bolt on to that in the future, we're glad to consider it certainly wasn't meant to reduce transparency. It was meant to improve how opaque, the number of companies were and how much you had to understand about our company to get there. So very interested in your feedback.

Chris Murray
Analyst at ATB Capital Markets

All right, thanks, folks. I'll leave it that.


Your next question comes from Krista Friesen at CIBC, please go ahead.

Krista Friesen
Analyst at CIBC

Wondering -- first-off. Good morning, thanks for taking my question. I was just wondering just as we get to understand Northern Mat a bit better. Are there any incredibly large contracts for Northern Mat that are rolling off in the next year to 18 months that it will take some effort to really backfill?

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

The short answer to that is there is always big contracts rolling on and off in that business. We had a big one in Ontario that we had putting in hydro lines into northern indigenous communities that we've completed. We have a fair number of mats on with one of the pipelines, which should expire sometime next year. It keeps extending. I don't know exactly when. So yes, there's always some of those. But conversely, there's always new ones coming in behind them. And so that's what makes -- when we bought it, we talked about it, it's not particularly cyclical. It is a little bit choppy in that sometimes you'll have a new one doesn't start exactly when the old one finishes. But yes, there can be variations period-to-period. But it's not that right now or next year or last year is more driven by individual projects than the businesses as a whole. So like I say, right now the single biggest stuff we would be doing would be on the pipeline, the Trans Mountain pipeline. That's expected to be finished sometime next year. But then very quickly after that, you go into the maintenance and the testing and the service. So while fewer maths [Phonetic] it's replaced with that business. And then quite frankly, we're expecting some material new work that we don't have today in Eastern Canada for some electrical distribution projects that are available.

Krista Friesen
Analyst at CIBC

Okay, great, thanks. And then maybe just a follow-up question on the acquisitions and the guidance raise. Are you including much in terms of synergies this year from the acquisitions in your guidance for 2023?

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

No. There's virtually zero. The reason being is we -- to be honest with you, when we built the numbers out, we didn't even know when we get Competition Board approval. So we weren't sure we're going to take over. And because of the nature of that, Krista, we really didn't allow the teams to talk to one another, even though we had closed -- announced the deal back in March, we needed the Competition Bureau to placid in case they said you can't do this, we didn't want to start anything. So it's going to take us some time to get that. We've got the whole team together here in Winnipeg, actually. It was fun watching them say, we could do this, yeah, we could do that. And I think I mentioned previously in the press release that we're actually going to have Darwin Sparrow, our COO, spend a fair bit of time in Toronto and help with the integration of the businesses simply because it's such a big opportunity. And it's not like our typical deals where we buy one company in full, build another one into it. This is more you've got two peers and how are we going to put them together into an entity. I think it's very likely you're going to continue to see BV product line and the Quest product line within our Window Solutions project, but we may well have common production or common marketing or common installation. And so we're just working on that. So the numbers we're giving you are based on just owning the things we own, and we'll start seeing synergies next year. And that's why I'm not really ready to give a hard guidance number. We just gave the indicative kind of the $600 million because we know there's stuff to come there.

Krista Friesen
Analyst at CIBC

Right. Okay, perfect. Thank you. Thank you very much and I'll jump back-in the queue.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Thank you.


Your next question comes from Matthew Weekes at IA Capital Markets. Please go ahead.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Good morning, Matt.

Matthew Weekes
Analyst at IA Capital Markets

Right. Thanks, good morning. Thanks for taking my question. The first one just on Northern Mat. And as you think about that business and maybe seeing a bit more supply and kind of pricing pressure in the market. Just trying to understand your kind of cost leadership efficiencies in that market. If you can comment on anything the teams kind of doing there to maybe get ahead of it a little bit, sort of capture, take advantage of the market environment capture more work, sort of mitigate downside from the competition? Thanks. I think that the team at Northern Mat is exceptionally good at having their finger in the water of where things are going. And our key competitive advantage, both from a cost and a strategic point of view is vertical integration. Most of the people we compete against in the rental business, which is the core part of the business, don't make their own bots. So they got to make decisions well in advance of where they're going to buy from them, what they're going to do, whereas we ramp up and ramp down our production as demand requires. We carry months of wood supplies. So the wood that's using a map, it comes from a very few number of trees because it requires such large timber. And it's available and sometimes it's not available at others. So one of the other things we do is we make sure we've always got lumber in the yard if we want to ramp up, we can do it tomorrow. And then the other thing we're doing now is we're looking at investing in even better technology to make the math. We already have a state-of-the-art process, but it's still labor-intensive. We continue to examine opportunities to make it more efficient, more automated, which again increases the delta between our mat costs and our competitors' back costs. In terms of putting that out now versus later, the customers are pretty sophisticated about that. if you put it out now, they're still negotiating. And not prices are still strong. The reason why you keep hearing us talk about it's not as good as last year is last year was a perfect storm. And we didn't buy it off of last year. We bought it off of an average. So we benefited from that last year, and this is going to be way above the average as well. It's just we're trying to be transparent with the market that it's not always as good as it was last year.

Carmele Peter
President at Intercontinental Exchange

Yes. The other thing to do -- is they have the ability because they own the [Indecipherable] the balance between net sales and leasing mats to get -- maximize their revenues on that basis. And of course, as pricing has gone down, their input costs have also gone down for the actual production of the mats and hence the margins on the sales. So by getting that balance right and taking opportunities that exist on the sales side that helps them as a market leader and then obviously deploying mats the most effective way, whether that's leasing or sales.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

And you see -- I'll just add further on that, you'll see where customers will come to you and they've got to use from mat that's going to be very destructive to the mat. And so they want to buy mat, but there's no mat advantage for them for having brand-new mat. So we've got the ability to say, okay, well, we've got this batch that are two years old. We'll sell you those for last, and then we'll just backfill our fleet with new ones we produce. And so we have the ability to participate in all age of mat sales without impeding our ability to take advantage of leasing opportunities.

Matthew Weekes
Analyst at IA Capital Markets

Okay, that makes sense. Thanks. And just flipping over to the Aerospace and Aviation segment and thinking about the guidance, are you assuming there's a bit of kind of margin lever as it comes from last year? You had sharp volatile increases in fuel cost. Should that impact sort of you lessen this year as those have stabilized and you've had a bit more of an opportunity to sort of build in fuel surcharge into your contracts and pricing?

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

I mean, yes, the answer to that is yes, but it comes with a big but because I don't know what fuel prices are going to do. The fuel prices are linked to happen this year, which is relatively stable. Your assessments bang on. We got hit by really sharp short-term increases over last year. And this year has not been that, we've been able to price our product in line with current fuel prices. If the Saudis were to stop production all of a sudden and fuel prices spiked, we could have another one of those where you have a short-term impact until we adjust. Or conversely, if it's like it's been in the last 25 days or so, where fuel prices are softening, you could actually have a short-term benefit while we take fuel surcharges off. So your statement about more stability in front of higher margins is correct, subject to any changes in the macro environment.

Matthew Weekes
Analyst at IA Capital Markets

When talking about margins for the entire segment as our aircraft leasing portfolio comes back online and is being utilized at a higher rate, margins should tick up when you're looking at the segment as a whole. Okay. And at that point, that's kind of being viewed probably is more of a later-in-the-year sort of second-half event for the leasing portfolio.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Yeah, I mean I think you'll definitely see a higher lease number in Q2 than in Q1, and you'll see another pop in Q3. So it's not all I want to always try to explain to my board. It's not like a light switch, all of a sudden, they're all out. But we can see into the future because we have contracts signed for we'll think this plan in this month or those engines starting in this month. So I think you'll see kind of a -- not quite a straight line, but it's pretty close to it in terms of improvement over the next two or three quarters.

Matthew Weekes
Analyst at IA Capital Markets

Okay, excellent. Thank you for answering my questions. I'll turn it back.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Thank you.


Your next question comes from Jonathan Lamers at Laurentian Bank Securities. Please go ahead.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Good morning, Jon.

Jonathan Lamers
Analyst at Laurentian Bank Securities

Good morning. I think my questions have largely been covered. But just on the Quest Windows business production. Could you comment on how you see production at the facilities, including the new Dallas one ramping up into Q2 and how it ramps up in Q1?

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Yeah, I mean we produced materially more windows in Q1 than we did last year in the same period. And that will continue to grow, albeit more so at the back half of Q2 to the beginning of Q2. But I think the best way I can qualitatively explain that without publishing Window friends, which Jody may kill me if I published as it's too competitive, we're opening up our second shift at Quest Dallas. And we never got there, pre-Covid. We were talking about a second shift. We're now opening it up for that. And so I think that can tell you what we think about our volume requirements. And I can tell you that BV in our due diligence, we expect them to be busy through the balance of this year for sure and into next year. But they're instantly into a busy period as well. So I think you'll see growth in the amount of window frames we do in each of the next few quarters. And the margins on each window frame will also improve because of efficiencies of the plant and because of better pricing.

Jonathan Lamers
Analyst at Laurentian Bank Securities

Thank you. And just on the R1 leasing business, I appreciate the color there. If possible, it would be helpful if you could provide us with the revenue for the leasing business just because the margin profile is so different from the aircraft sales or perhaps the EBITDA. Thanks.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

We'll deal with that for next quarter. This was a learning curve for us in terms of the new disclosure. We wanted to make it easier for our readers to understand, but I appreciate for modeling purposes. There's probably a couple of numbers you'd like to have. So we'll take a peek of what we disclose and give you a few more of those pieces for Q2.

Jonathan Lamers
Analyst at Laurentian Bank Securities

That's great. I just wanted to provide that feedback. Thank you.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

I appreciate that. Thank you.


Your next question comes from [Indecipherable] at TD Securities. Please go ahead.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

Good morning.

Unidentified Participant
at Intercontinental Exchange

Good morning, thanks for taking my questions this morning. My apologies if this question was already answered. My line has been dropping in and out. So my first question is regarding the two acquisition. Could we get a sense of what the annualized revenue and EBITDA contributions were for those two acquisitions in 2022 and how do you guys kind of see that -- see 2023 play-out with those two businesses assuming obviously BV Glazing that you guys closed on that -- closed on the acquisition.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

I think what we provided on that was that in both cases, they were above our 15% return threshold. So if you back into that from the acquisition price, you can come up with the EBITDA, the maintenance capex in those businesses are very modest. So EBITDA and free cash flow are very similar. And then when you look at margins, I think what we said is they tend to -- both of them would be sort of mid to the higher end of our -- of the range of our existing companies. We have not disclosed a specific revenue number for competitive reasons, nor a specific margin number. But we explained that they were purchased off of a return north of 15%. And so you could back into those, I think. And then in terms of next year, I talked about earlier in the call that there's going to be significant synergies on the BV deal, both from a multiple products point of view that they're able to provide products to Quest to BV that we don't currently have where they are outsourced. And then additionally, we're going to consolidate our manufacturing footprint in Ontario from five or six facilities down to a couple of three facilities, which will increase efficiencies and generate greater throughput, so we can grow the business. But those synergies obviously take time. We just closed eight days ago. So that's more of a 2023 story. In terms of the details of that, give us a quarter or two to get the plan in place. I don't like shooting from the hip in case I back my operating guys into quarters with my promises. So we'll give you better color on that in Q2 or Q3.

Unidentified Participant
at Intercontinental Exchange

Perfect. I appreciate that. And then my last question is which one of your businesses, if any, I think you guys kind of hinted that you guys haven't seen any impacts from the economic headwinds. But which one of your businesses, if any, do you expect to be impacted the most, if economic headwinds persist?

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

To be perfectly honest with you, what we see from a recessionary point of view really does not impact. At this point, anything. Our order book is strong across the board. The one that's -- like we said, regional ones improving. We thought it would have improved faster till now we now are signing contracts and growing the business. If we've got one that's a little lower down the hill in terms of the climbing back out of COVID, it would be one, but it's well on the way. And in terms of any declines, things could change in the future. But where we are now, we just don't see any.

Unidentified Participant
at Intercontinental Exchange

Perfect. I appreciate the color, guys. I'll hop back-in queue.


At this time we have no further questions. So I will turn the conference back to Mike Pyle for any closing remarks.

Michael Pyle
Chief Executive Officer & Director at Intercontinental Exchange

I want to thank everybody for hanging around listing to all the questions and talk. I look forward to seeing some of you today with our Annual Meeting in a few minutes over at Com's new facility at the Winnipeg airport. We're excited about the rest of the year, and I can't wait for August to tell you all about it then. So have a great day, and hopefully, we'll see you.


[Operator Closing Remarks]

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