The following insiders have sold U shares in the last 24 months: Anirma Gupta ($1,402,281.70), Carol W Carpenter ($3,298,136.32), David Helgason ($22,975,572.05), Felix The ($1,020,836.90), Ingrid Lestiyo ($803,881.56), James M Whitehurst ($2,387,814.36), John S Riccitiello ($1,520,487.07), Lake Group L.L.C. Silver ($6,911,137.32), Luis Felipe Visoso ($3,472,383.91), Marc Whitten ($3,490,455.69), Mark Barrysmith ($580,351.33), Michelle K Lee ($176,495.36), Robynne Sisco ($1,030,720.00), Shlomo Dovrat ($9,852,267.31), and Tomer Bar-Zeev ($36,072,625.00).