Markup Calculator

Easily assess the value of your purchases or products with our markup calculator. Whether you're a savvy shopper or a business owner, this tool provides valuable insights into pricing strategies. Simply input the cost and selling price to uncover the markup percentage. With this information, consumers can make informed buying decisions, while business owners can optimize their pricing strategies for profitability. Whether you're buying or selling, our markup calculator is your key to understanding fair pricing and maximizing value.

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Calculate Markup Based on Selling Price

Markup Formula and Results

Markup = ( Selling Price - Cost Cost ) × 100 %

Calculate Selling Price Based On Markup

Selling Price Formula and Results

Selling Price = Cost × ( 1 + Markup as Decimal )


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Markup Calculator - Frequently Asked Questions

How do I determine the optimal markup percentage?

The optimal markup percentage depends on factors like production costs, competition, and target profit margins. Consider conducting market research and analyzing competitor pricing to determine a competitive yet profitable markup.

Should I include overhead costs in the markup calculation?

Yes, overhead costs should be included in the markup calculation to ensure profitability. Factor in expenses like rent, utilities, and administrative costs when determining the selling price.

What is the difference between markup and margin?:


  • Markup refers to the amount added to the cost price of a product to determine its selling price.
  • It is usually expressed as a percentage of the cost price.
  • The formula for calculating markup is: Markup = (Selling Price - Cost Price)/Cost Price * 100%.
  • For example, if a product costs $50 to produce and is sold for $75, the markup is (75 - 50) / 50 * 100% = 50%.


  • Margin, on the other hand, represents the portion of revenue that exceeds the cost of goods sold (COGS).
  • It is typically expressed as a percentage of the selling price.
  • The formula for calculating margin is: Margin = (Selling Price - Cost Price) / Selling Price * 100%.
  • Margin reflects the profitability of each sale.
  • For example if a product is sold for $75 and its production cost is $50, the margin is (75 - 50) / 75 * 100% = 33.33%.

See our profit margin calculator for more examples.