Three-Day Stock Gainers This page includes stocks that have had the highest average gain over the last three days. On This Page: More Stocks by Price and Activity 24 hours 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days 5 Days 6 Days 7 Days 30 Days 90 Days 365 Days Time Period Country USA (NYSE & NASDAQ) United States(NYSE & NASDAQ) United States(All Exchanges) Canada United Kingdom Europe Australia Sector All Sectors Aerospace Auto/Tires/Trucks Basic Materials Business Services Computer and Technology Construction Consumer Discretionary Consumer Goods Consumer Staples Finance Industrial Products Medical Miscellaneous Multi-Sector Conglomerates Oils/Energy Retail/Wholesale Services Transportation Utilities All Market Caps Large Cap ($10B+) Medium Cap ($2B-$10B) Small Cap (<$2B) Market Cap MarketRank™ evaluates a company based on dividend strength, earnings, valuation, analysts forecasts, and more.Available with a MarketBeat All Access SubscriptionMarketRank™Upgrade to All Access to use the All Ranks Filter Media sentiment refers to the percentage of positive news stories versus negative news stories a company has received in the past week.Available with a MarketBeat All Access SubscriptionMedia SentimentUpgrade to All Access to use the All Sentiments Filter Analyst consensus is the average investment recommendation among Wall Street research analysts.Available with a MarketBeat All Access SubscriptionAnalyst ConsensusUpgrade to All Access to use the All Ratings Filter Export to Excel CompanyCurrent PricePrevious CloseIntraday RangeVolumeAverage VolumeIndicator(s)LIFWMSP Recovery$2.87+61.2%$2.92$2.62 - $3.401.27 million3.33 millionPositive NewsLIFWMSP Recovery$2.87+56.8%$2.92$2.62 - $3.401.27 million3.33 millionPositive NewsCYTHCyclo Therapeutics$1.19+54.5%$0.77$0.97 - $1.4584.45 million52,825News CoverageGap UpHigh Trading VolumeLTBRLightbridge$12.13+35.4%$8.96$8.99 - $12.6811.68 million3.22 millionHigh Trading VolumeDOCSDoximity$78.97+34.8%$58.26$71.50 - $80.7110.26 million1.53 millionAnalyst ForecastInsider TradeNews CoverageGap UpHigh Trading VolumeLEUCentrus Energy$108.91+33.1%$81.81$86.90 - $111.904.30 million705,259Analyst RevisionNews CoverageGap UpHigh Trading VolumePWMPrestige Wealth$1.45+28.3%$1.13$1.21 - $1.515.17 million682,873Gap UpHigh Trading$8.59+27.5%$6.77$6.52 - $9.31229.32 million50.24 millionOptions VolumeNews CoverageHigh Trading VolumeNAMIJinxin Technology Holding Company American Depositary Shares$3.96+26.1%$3.14$3.22 - $3.9678,61982,426Gap UpGBSGBS$2.12+24.7%$1.95$1.85 - $2.13650,413955,325Gap Up Get the Latest News and Ratings for Your StocksEnter your email address below to receive the latest headlines and analysts' recommendations for your stocks with our free daily email newsletter. CDIOCardio Diagnostics$0.56+23.0%$0.45$0.46 - $0.628.66 million3.93 millionNews CoverageHigh Trading VolumeDCDakota Gold$3.08+22.7%$2.51$2.85 - $3.191.59 million228,107News CoverageGap UpHigh Trading VolumeSWISolarWinds$18.34+22.1%$15.03$18.26 - $18.5510.07 million330,496Upcoming EarningsAnalyst DowngradeNews CoverageGap UpHigh Trading VolumeAFRMAffirm$75.22+21.8%$61.75$68.30 - $76.8828.70 million5.47 millionEarnings ReportAnalyst ForecastInsider TradeOptions VolumeAnalyst RevisionNews CoverageGap UpHigh Trading VolumeWWRWestwater Resources$1.03+21.3%$0.85$0.85 - $1.092.14 million812,071News CoverageHigh Trading VolumeFARMFarmer Bros.$2.18+21.1%$1.80$2.05 - $2.8329.05 million64,753Earnings ReportNews CoverageGap UpHigh Trading VolumeESEESCO Technologies$158.73+19.9%$132.42$142.77 - $162.74331,90887,567Earnings ReportDividend AnnouncementNews CoverageGap UpHigh Trading VolumeVSATViasat$11.38+19.5%$9.52$9.30 - $11.428.28 million4.08 millionEarnings ReportAnalyst ForecastNews CoverageHigh Trading VolumePINSPinterest$40.02+19.1%$33.59$38.85 - $40.9050.85 million10.50 millionEarnings ReportAnalyst UpgradeOptions VolumeAnalyst RevisionNews CoverageGap UpHigh Trading VolumeMODVModivCare$5.13+18.8%$4.32$4.24 - $5.331.09 million954,938News CoverageTRVGtrivago$4.41+18.5%$3.72$3.73 - $4.46551,851104,038Earnings ReportAnalyst ForecastNews CoverageHigh Trading VolumeNETCloudflare$166.88+18.1%$141.52$152.33 - $171.3815.07 million3.20 millionEarnings ReportAnalyst ForecastInsider TradeNews CoverageGap UpHigh Trading VolumeMBOTMicrobot Medical$2.55+17.5%$2.17$2.23 - $2.665.60 million3.27 millionGap UpJGAurora Mobile$11.10+17.5%$9.45$10.08 - $11.66380,7122.25 millionNews CoverageGap UpAISPAirship AI$5.79+17.4%$4.93$4.87 - $5.894.02 million1.50 millionAnalyst RevisionHigh Trading VolumeEXPEExpedia Group$202.37+17.3%$172.57$194.06 - $205.129.38 million1.80 millionEarnings ReportDividend IncreaseAnalyst ForecastInsider TradeNews CoverageGap UpHigh Trading VolumeFBYDFalcon's Beyond Global$7.95+17.3%$6.78$6.54 - $8.0363,31555,261News CoverageGap UpNTRBNutriband$7.81+17.1%$6.67$7.40 - $8.86897,861475,704News CoverageGap UpSERVServe Robotics$19.47+16.6%$16.70$17.16 - $20.2915.58 million9.57 millionGap UpFBLGFibroBiologics$1.86+16.3%$1.60$1.75 - $2.002.27 million208,281News CoverageGap UpHigh Trading VolumeOKLOOklo$55.25+15.7%$47.76$48.84 - $59.1437.66 million22.39 millionUpcoming EarningsAnalyst ForecastAnalyst RevisionGap UpGOROGold Resource$0.35+15.7%$0.30$0.29 - $0.362.72 million3.03 millionAnalyst ForecastULCCFrontier Group$9.34+15.5%$8.09$9.00 - $9.675.87 million2.16 millionEarnings ReportNews CoverageGap UpHigh Trading VolumeFHTXFoghorn Therapeutics$4.75+15.3%$4.12$4.09 - $4.77243,25297,833High Trading VolumeDGNXDiginex$45.25+15.1%$39.30$39.83 - $53.00348,4871.77 millionDOMHDominari$3.22+14.6%$2.81$2.70 - $3.28585,590421,292SMCXDefiance Daily Target 2X Long SMCI ETF$50.01+14.6%$43.65$45.00 - $51.702.93 million1.63 millionGap UpHCWBHCW Biologics$0.49+14.1%$0.43$0.40 - $0.512.27 million18.11 millionGap DownTTWOTake-Two Interactive Software$208.77+14.0%$183.08$195.97 - $212.886.80 million1.52 millionAnalyst ForecastOptions VolumeNews CoverageGap UpHigh Trading VolumeUSATCantaloupe$9.84+13.9%$8.67$8.82 - $9.88981,462291,261Analyst ForecastNews CoverageGap UpHigh Trading VolumeMost People Are Dead Wrong. 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I recommend you check it out now.SUUNSolarBank$4.62+13.8%$4.06$4.22 - $4.95727,085133,421Gap UpHigh Trading VolumeCRNCCerence$14.48+13.7%$12.74$12.24 - $14.837.97 million4.54 millionAnalyst ForecastNews CoverageGap DownCTLPCantaloupe$9.84+13.5%$8.67$8.82 - $9.88981,269257,827Earnings ReportAnalyst RevisionNews CoverageGap UpHigh Trading$1.60+13.5%$1.41$1.33 - $1.8459.96 million20.53 millionNews CoverageGap UpHigh Trading VolumeSENSSenseonics$1.04+13.3%$0.92$0.91 - $1.048.74 million19.68 millionNews CoverageUBRLGraniteShares 2x Long UBER Daily ETF$23.70+13.0%$20.98$21.09 - $25.012.15 million413,330High Trading VolumePGYPagaya Technologies$12.50+12.9%$11.07$11.85 - $12.885.05 million1.48 millionUpcoming EarningsAnalyst UpgradeInsider TradeNews CoverageGap UpHigh Trading VolumeCDTGCDT Environmental Technology Investment$1.35+12.5%$1.20$1.19 - $1.44103,005235,540Gap UpNBTXNanobiotix$3.96+12.5%$3.52$3.81 - $4.008,41812,831Positive NewsGap DownEGRXEagle Pharmaceuticals$0.90+12.5%$0.80$0.75 - $0.904,33610,595Gap Down More Stock Ideas from MarketBeat Stock Gainers Today's Percentage Gainers 2-Day Stock Gainers 3-Day Stock Gainers 5-Day Stock Gainers This Week's Biggest Gainers This Month's Biggest Gainers This Quarter's Biggest Gainers This Year's Biggest Gainers RSI Overbought Stocks Uptrend Stocks Stock Decliners Today's Percentage Decliners This Week's Biggest Losers This Month's Biggest Losers This Quarter's Biggest Losers This Year's Biggest Losers RSI Oversold Stocks Downtrend Stocks Most Active Stocks 52-Week Highs 52-Week Lows Breakout Stocks Most Active Stocks Most Volatile Stocks Unusual Call Volume Unusual Put Volume Unusual Trading Volume Lowest Volume Stocks Trading Halts More Stock Lists High Beta Stocks Low Beta Stocks Negative Beta Stocks Gap Up Stocks Gap Down Stocks High P/E Stocks High P/E Growth Stocks Low P/E Stocks Low P/E Growth Stocks Get 30 Days of MarketBeat All Access for Free Sign up for MarketBeat All Access to gain access to MarketBeat's full suite of research tools. 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