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Cfra - Analyst Performance

This page shows the methodology used to calculate Cfra's recommendation performance. Listed below are links to the research notes issued, the price targets issued by the brokerage, the stock's actual performance 12 months from the date the research note was issued. These calculations are based on research reports from 6/17/2019 and 6/17/2023. Rankings are updated daily.

MarketBeat Brokerage Ranking: starstarxxx
Average 12-Month ROI of Buy Recommendations: ??%
CompanyReport DateReport Date Price12-Month
Price Target
Actual Price

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How are MarketBeat's Brokerage Rankings Calculated? MarketBeat uses the average return on investment of a research firm's "buy" and "strong buy" recommendations over the last five years to determine a firm's star rating. The firms with the best-performing recommendations receive a five-star rating. Firms that have issued fewer than ten tracked research notes in the last five years will not be ranked.

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